Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Lunch Hour – 3-31-14

Posted: April 1, 2014 in Uncategorized

Lunch Hour between 11:45 and 12:30 on March 31, 2014

I was in my car sitting in the parking lot of Hobby Lobby on Monrovia. This is one of my usual habits when I go to lunch alone, which is much of the time. I have my lunch in peace and listen to Rush Limbaugh. As I am sitting in the car, I notice the following…

A guy in a blue shirt ran by and then he checked out a van and put his bag and a laptop behind the driver’s side back wheel. Blue shirt ran into Hobby Lobby and ran back out. Blue shirt was followed by striped shirt. Striped shirt walked past the van and waved Blue shirt to follow. But Blue shirt opened the door of the van and put his bag and laptop into the back see on the passenger’s side. Striped shirt kept walking through the car dealership’s parking lot.

Along comes Purple shirt, a guy in a red truck that had been watching for Blue shirt. Purple shirt drives over near the van, jumps out, slams the van’s back passenger door open and breaks the back passenger’s window. Purple shirt grabs laptop jumps in red truck and speeds off. Blue shirt looked a little bit bewildered.
Blue shirt fumbles with the van trying to shut the passenger’s door. He couldn’t shut the door. He got into the driver’s seat and took off with the door wide open.

I’m sure this was some sort of crime, but I couldn’t get my phone into camera mode in time to take photos. Two other people saw a little bit of what happened too, but we were not really sure what to do since both vehicles took off and no one called the police.

My mother-in-law passed away February 21, 2014. For so many years I wanted to live near my family, but it has not been possible. I grieve for the years I missed. Life and work gets in the way. Sometimes, you have to go where you can find a job.

From the day I met Allie, she embraced me and took me into her family. She was a wonderful lady.

When I was approximately 15 she took me to the dentist. I don’t know why she thought I needed to go to a dentist, but it turns out it was a good idea. Dr. Grooby (can’t remember exactly) fixed me up.

She introduced me to Merle Norman cosmetics.

She bought me clothes and sewed dresses for me.

Her mother-in-laws were very mean to her, so she made sure to always be kind to me and her other daughter-in-laws.

Yesterday, my Aunt Carol called me.  I didn’t recognize her voice at first because it had been such a long time.  After speaking with my Mom, Aunt Carol called me and she prayed for Steven.  She prayed that God would heal my husband from his migraines.  Only time will tell, but I have faith that God can heal my husband. 

I enjoyed my phone visit with her.  She gave me some history about our family.  I asked her to write it down, so that we could add it to our family photos. She said she loves to write, so I hope to see a letter from her soon.  I was going to try to type up her stories, but I couldn’t type fast enough. 

Saturday morning, 9/14/13, at 9:39 a.m. I was in the kitchen and saw handwriting on the dry erase board on the refrigerator that I did not recognize.  I started reading it and realized the note had been there for almost a month before I noticed it.  Anyway, it made my day. I’m grateful to have a sweet sister.


Today, I went to Michael’s for a jewelry class.  My friend, Linda. F., was the instructor.  She helped me shop for my supplies, which was very good because I don’t know that much about jewelry.  As we were getting ready for the class she gave me a necklace and earrings   The necklace has a little book on it.  I was so moved by the gift.  Sunday, turned out to be a wonderful day.

Saturday, June 1, my husband and I had lunch at Red Lobster.  We talked about our accomplishments over the years, etc.  We both have a college degree as of August 2012, we have two cars that are paid off, we have a good house (not the one we want, but still good), we both have jobs, and we both still like each other.  We have plans for the future.  One of the plans involves building a monolithic dome home.

29 years may seem like a long time, but it has passed by so very fast.  So much has been forgotten, but there are still lots of things we remember.

After lunch we visited Lowe Mill.  The artists were out and people were having a good time looking at the variety of art.  Steven had a migraine the entire day.  So, he wasn’t very fascinated with the art even though he tried to pretend he was interested.

Sunday, June 2, we ate at Cantina Laredo.  Our lunch was interrupted by a phone call from an unknown number, so he investigated.  

At 2:50 p.m. we walked hand-in-hand over to Monaco Pictures to see Star Trek Into the Darkness.  We visited Orange Tree Frozen Yogurt, stopped by Barnes and Noble and went home. 

We had a very enjoyable weekend, even though Steven had a migraine most of the time.



The day was beautiful.  It was cool outside which made walking around visiting all of the booths very easy.  I saw some beautiful quilts and some very detailed wooden pens.

We had a good time, even though the visit was very short. 

Thanksgiving – November 25, 2010

Posted: November 27, 2010 in Uncategorized

The day was very warm.  Steven and I slept late, fixed fish, potatoes, and beans and had a late lunch.  Later we went for a walk around 1:30 p.m.  Even though it was cloudy and windy, it was a pretty day.  Once we returned home, it wasn’t more than five or ten minutes, before the cold wind and rain started.  Even though we did not get to be with family, we had a good, uneventful, nice day.

Photos from our walk.

Jewelry Box and Doll

Posted: November 16, 2010 in Crafting, Family, Hobbies, Uncategorized

The summer of 2005 my Dad was in the hospital.  While I was there visiting him, my Aunt Ruby gave me a jewelry box and a doll (Tiny Tubber Effanbee).  There is a reason she gave these gifts to me.

A very long time ago on a hot summer day and my Grandma was sitting in her chair and I was standing beside her looking at all of her beading stuff, that is when either I spied a small jewelry box or she pointed it out to me.   I was about 12 years old and my Grandma, Mary Bell Maddox-Johnson, put a note in that little jewelry box that belonged to her.  The note had my name on it and it was to be given to me in the future.  The box had a few items that had been given to her from special people in her life.  As it turned out I never received that box. 

  There are more photos located on Shutterfly, Jewelry Box from my Aunt Ruby.