Archive for the ‘Books’ Category

Sunday, I finished reading this book.  There is a lot of information.  Dr. Colbert provided a very good list of notes documenting where he found the information.  I need to read this book at least 10 more times, so that I can retain the information.  This way of cooking/eating takes more time, but I believe, we would be healthier if I can try to follow some of the basics from this book.
Summary:  Eat as close to nature as possible.   Be careful when eating fish, because they are full of mercury.  Do your best to not use a microwave, use cold-pressed oils, stir fry vegetables, use Stevia, etc.
Page 52. – He states that it is now recommended that we get "five to thirteen servings a day" of vegetables and fruit.  He actually gives examples of serving sizes.
Page 34. – Sugar substitutes are bad.  Try to use natural sweetners.
Buy the book for all the details.