Anniversary – 29 years on June 2, 2013

Posted: June 30, 2013 in Uncategorized

Saturday, June 1, my husband and I had lunch at Red Lobster.  We talked about our accomplishments over the years, etc.  We both have a college degree as of August 2012, we have two cars that are paid off, we have a good house (not the one we want, but still good), we both have jobs, and we both still like each other.  We have plans for the future.  One of the plans involves building a monolithic dome home.

29 years may seem like a long time, but it has passed by so very fast.  So much has been forgotten, but there are still lots of things we remember.

After lunch we visited Lowe Mill.  The artists were out and people were having a good time looking at the variety of art.  Steven had a migraine the entire day.  So, he wasn’t very fascinated with the art even though he tried to pretend he was interested.

Sunday, June 2, we ate at Cantina Laredo.  Our lunch was interrupted by a phone call from an unknown number, so he investigated.  

At 2:50 p.m. we walked hand-in-hand over to Monaco Pictures to see Star Trek Into the Darkness.  We visited Orange Tree Frozen Yogurt, stopped by Barnes and Noble and went home. 

We had a very enjoyable weekend, even though Steven had a migraine most of the time.



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